Human bodies have hair. Other than the obvious hair on your head, you'll find hair on your face, hair under your arms, hair ON your arms, hair on your legs and hair in a myriad of unmentionable places.
Think about it. The only substantial patches of body surface where you are unlikely to find hair are on your fingernails, toenails, palms, soles of your feet, lips, eyelids, and the surface of your eyeballs. Knees and elbows also rarely have much hair.
For some people, the growth of body hair gets downright annoying. To be socially acceptable, you have to pluck it out of your ears, trim it out of your nose (never pluck nose hairs), shave it off your neck, and tidy it up everywhere else.
For men, one of the most annoying areas for hair growth is the back. Removing back hair presents unique problems. It's the most difficult body hair to reach by yourself. The hair can be very coarse. Men who have back hair often have so much that removing it is a true pain in the neck. Getting it removed in a salon can be expensive, but how many guys have friends who are willing to help?
In many cases, shaving back hair is the method of choice. It's less expensive than men's hair removal creams and less painful than waxing. Wet shaving allows you to get a closer shave than electric shaving, with fewer strokes.
Luckily, many men have faced the same problem. Over the generations we've come up with a number of ways to deal with men's back shaving. Below are five solid tips for shaving back hair.
1. Soften back hair before shaving. Just like a beard, back hair can be stiff and coarse. It also can be fairly long in places. Softenitieback hair will make it easier to shave, and also much less likely to cause ingrown hairs. tieback hair is longish, softening it will make it less likely to become tangled as you shave. The best way to soften back hair in preparation for shaving is to take a bath. Showering works, too, but a bath allows you to soak back hair more consistently and longer. Have a little fun with it--light a couple of candles, put on some soft music, and use this time to relax. You can add bath oil to the bath water to further soften back hair. Plan plenty of time, so you can shave your back at a leisurely pace immediately after bathing.
2. Use a thick, but easy to apply men's shaving foam like one of these from details for men. Any men's shaving product will work, but if you are shaving your back by yourself, a foam-style shaving cream will be easier to apply. Heavy creams require you to press harder both during application and with the razor, and that's not easy when you are shaving your back over your shoulder. On the other hand, it's important to choose a thick men's shaving cream formula, so the skin on your back is protected as you shave--especially because it's a challenge to maneuver the razor.
3. Use the right tools: Find a long-handled men's shaving cream applicator, a quality men's safety razor with an extended handle, and a large mirror so you can see your back. This will be much easier than trying to stretch to all the hairy spots with your regular straight razor or double-bladed safety razor. Many back-shaving handles will accommodate your favorite wet shaving safety razor. If one model of back-shaving handle doesn't work, try another until you find the one that works best for you.
4. Take it slow and easy. Shaving back hair is awkward at first. It takes some time to get used to the unfamiliar angles and the direction of shaving. Use techniques similar to face shaving, such as shaving with the direction of hair growth at first, instead of against it. After you get the first layer off, you can apply more shaving cream and carefully shave again against the direction of back hair growth. In some spots, you'll be lucky just to be able to draw the razor smoothly across the skin of your back, and the direction is not important.
5. Condition your skin after shaving back hair. Use the long-handled shaving cream applicator to apply amoisturizing and toning body lotion. This will help close the pores and moisturize your skin to avoid irritation, ingrown hairs and dry skin. You also can apply lotion to a long towel, then flip it over your shoulder, hold an end in both hands and drag it back and forth across your back to apply lotion.
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